Las Vegas Divorce Law Blog
What is Parental Alienation in a Las Vegas Divorce?

Children of divorcing parents are affected by the divorce process. The ages of the children, and the more involved the children are in their parents disagreements, the more they feel the effects. What makes it even harder on children is parental alienation in a Las Vegas divorce. In a general sense, parental alienation is when… Continue Reading
What is Important for Your Health During a Divorce?

Divorce is a difficult process and effects parents and children alike. Understandably, many parents focus on their children during this time. Therefore, they often forget about their own health during divorce. This is not the best route to take because the stress level in those going through a divorce tends to run high. It is… Continue Reading
What is the Best Way to Co-Parent?

Co-parenting is one of the most important issues in a divorce case. You and your ex should both try your best to make the divorce as easy as possible on your children. Depending on your child custody type, not all co-parenting situations are 50/50. Still both parents should find the best way to co-parent and… Continue Reading
Divorcing in Las Vegas After 50?

If you are divorcing in Las Vegas after 50, you’re not alone. In fact you’re part of a consistent pattern of older adults in Las Vegas divorces. The good news is that many older divorcees experience a significant increase in happiness post-divorce. A new-found or revitalized feeling of personal freedom is a contributing factor. This… Continue Reading
Back to School Child Custody

On Monday over 320,000 children will head back to school in the Clark County School District. This often involves new schools, schoolmates, teachers, and administrative staff. Our divorce attorneys know that back to school can include changes in child custody. So make sure your child custody agreement still works for everyone. New considerations can pop… Continue Reading
Children and Las Vegas Divorce

Divorces can take on a whole new perspective when children are involved. The goal of each divorcing parent must be to minimize the impact children during divorce. The best Las Vegas child custody attorneys know that studies show divorce is easier for children to recover from than a constant high conflict marriage, which causes more… Continue Reading
Dealing with Divorce in Las Vegas

No one expects their marriage to end, but as any divorce attorney in Las Vegas will tell you, statistics prove that by the 20 year mark of a marriage, approximately 48% end in divorce. This result is typically a combination of factors from both parties, not just one spouse. Additionally, divorce affects the emotions of… Continue Reading
What Are Child Custody Factors in Nevada?

The child custody factors in Nevada are solely “what’s in the best interest of the children.” It is not what one parent prefers. If the parents cannot agree, then a family court judge will determine child custody. This is a complex and costly process. A child custody expert may assist the judge with a report… Continue Reading
Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos’ Record $160 Billion Divorce is Final

Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos have finalized their divorce which, at roughly $160 billion, set a financial record that will be difficult to top. The ex-couple owns roughly 16% of on-line behemoth Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994 and is its current CEO. He also has a wide range of other financial interests including The… Continue Reading
Attorney Vincent Mayo Receives Legal Excellence Award

Las Vegas divorce attorney Vincent Mayo has received the 2016 Legal Excellence Award from Vegaslegal Magazine. Vegaslegal covers local legal issues, lawyers, business, and lifestyle topics. The magazine selects legal excellence award recipients on numerous criteria. This includes prominence in select legal practice areas. Attorney Mayo’s primary focus is high net worth divorce matters. Mr…. Continue Reading
What is Parental Alienation in a Las Vegas Divorce?
What is Important for Your Health During a Divorce?
What is the Best Way to Co-Parent?
Divorcing in Las Vegas After 50?
Back to School Child Custody
Children and Las Vegas Divorce
Dealing with Divorce in Las Vegas
What Are Child Custody Factors in Nevada?
Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos’ Record $160 Billion Divorce is Final
Attorney Vincent Mayo Receives Legal Excellence Award