Managing Contested Divorce

We’ve put together this guide by polling the best Las Vegas divorce attorneys; The ones that all local legal insiders agree are first rate in divorce law. All the divorce attorneys with input have decades of dedicated divorce law experience. They’ve represented thousands clients and provide a wealth of valuable information on managing contested divorce. You can benefit from their knowledge and history of success in marital law and child custody cases.

Expect Your Spouse’s Behavior

No one knows your spouse like you do. Whatever behavior your spouse exhibited during your marriage is unlikely to change during divorce proceedings. In fact it may intensify. If your spouse is domineering, unreasonable, bullying, or even threatening, this is their last big chance to behave in such a manner against you. Rarely will they pass up the opportunity. Preparing yourself for this is a key factor in keeping an even balance during what can be contentious and stressful divorce proceedings. On the other hand, if you are your spouse are civil to each other, then the divorce process will go as smoothly as can be expected.

Be Fearless

The best divorce attorneys in Las Vegas are fearless. You should be to. We know this is easier said than done but intimidating spouses are as old as the divorce process itself. Try to remove any controlling or intimidating spousal behavior from your mindset. You’re in a different world now. And in this world, your spouse does not call the shots. Regardless of how powerful your spouse thinks they are, they are no match for the best divorce lawyers and Nevada law. This doesn’t mean that your spouse’s behavior will change, only that their efforts will not produce the results they desire. Unless you let them. The divorce process is based on facts. Spousal intimidation is based on emotion. So keep your emotions in check as much as possible.

Know All Your Support Options

There is strength in asking for assistance. If you choose one of the best divorce attorneys to represent you then you have expert legal advice at your disposal. However, speaking with a family therapist can produce emotional benefits. They have years of experience with divorcing spouses and can help put your mind at ease. Divorce attorneys, Jennifer V. Abrams and Vincent Mayo are glad to provide a list of family counseling professionals who can assist you.

Patience Can Be Your Best Friend

The divorce process requires patience. We understand the desire to get the divorce over and move on with your life. Unfortunately, your spouse may take a different view. Therefore it’s not uncommon for a vindictive spouse to employ stalling tactics and drag the divorce case on. Ultimately this benefits no one, but some divorcing spouses don’t care. They are blind to the benefits of cooperative behavior. As difficult as it understandably is, there is no better time to work on your patience skills than during contested divorce proceedings.

Communications During Your Contested Divorce

If you and your spouse are not on civil speaking terms, then avoid direct communication as much as possible. It’s best to let your divorce lawyer do the talking for you. We understand that a total spousal communication blackout is not always possible, especially if you have children in common, but limiting your exposure to unnecessary stress goes a long way.

Don’t Tolerate Illegal Conduct

There’s a difference between your spouse being their usual difficult self and illegal conduct. You must report any threats, or acts of domestic violence, to your attorney at once. There are legal remedies, such as protective orders, that will stop your spouse’s behavior or they will end up in court before a judge. Family court judges have an extremely low tolerance for such conduct and your spouse will be held accountable for their actions. We understand the historic reticence for husbands to report such behavior. But don’t use this as an excuse. The courts don’t allow anyone a free pass on this important issue.

Be Careful About Sharing

Everyone going through a divorce needs a venting outlet. But you need to choose who you vent to wisely. So always limit discussing your divorce issues in your children’s presence. Above all, any communications about your case with your divorce lawyer are best kept completely private. You never fully know who your spouse has access to or what they might say. So be extremely cautious about what you say and to whom.

Your Divorce is a Unique Case

No two divorce cases have the same set of facts and circumstances. Often when venting to non-spousal friends or adults in your immediate family, they can’t help but offer their well-meaning advice. Let’s face it, everyone knows someone who’s gone through a divorce, and many people have gone through one themselves. However, no one knows more about protecting your best interests and how to achieve your goals than your divorce lawyer. Your divorce case is unique. Therefore, no one else’s divorce case experience is identical to yours.

Privacy with Your Divorce Lawyer

Here are some procedural items that you must adhere to in order to protect your privacy. These items also keep you informed about all developments in your divorce proceedings.

  • Change your email password. Your spouse may have your current one.
  • Have a confidential mailing address. We always send you copies of important case documents and don’t want them falling into the wrong hands. If you don’t trust the privacy of your residence mailing address, get a P.O. box.
  • Check your email and postal mail regularly. When we communicate with you, we assume you’re receiving the communications timely. We also require that you acknowledge and confirm documents during your case before we file them in court. Time can be of the essence with filing deadlines. So getting your confirmation promptly is important.
  • Notify your divorce attorneys of any changes in your phone number, email, or postal mailing address immediately.

Be Active in Your Divorce Case

There’s nothing more empowering than being an active participant in your divorce proceedings. Our expert lawyers will lead you and always provide legal advice in your best interests. However, you also have an active role. First, make sure that you ask questions immediately if something is unclear to you. This is not a time to hold back. If at any point you don’t understand something, or you disagree with your Las Vegas divorce attorney’s case strategy, speak up. Your divorce lawyer needs to focus on the legal aspects of your case to protect your well-being. They also need to know when you are unclear or disagree with any divorce process issues.

It’s also important to be completely open about all your case facts. Your divorce lawyer is working to protect you and can best do so when they know every aspect pertinent to your divorce matter. We understand that there can be marital issues that are very personal, and at times somewhat embarrassing. But your spouse knows these issues also. If your spouse knows it, their Las Vegas divorce lawyer likely does also and will use it in the divorce process. So don’t keep your divorce attorney in the dark. Nothing compromises your divorce case more than when your divorce attorney gets blindsided by new information from the opposing side.

The Value of Having a Divorce Law Expert on Your Side

The best Las Vegas divorce attorneys are State Bar of Nevada Board Certified Family Law Specialists, among other legal career achievements. They are fearless in representing you and have an unwavering dedication to your cause. Local legal insiders know that there are very few attorneys who qualify as the best in Las Vegas. These lawyers focus their career on complex divorce and child custody matters. Call us at 702-222-4021 for a phone consultation as a courtesy at no charge.