Las Vegas Divorce Rights

We are committed to providing every client we represent with the highest level of legal services. Your Client Bill of Rights was created at our Las Vegas divorce law firm’s founding. We have used these as our guiding principles for two decades and guarantee these rights to every client. This philosophy is common to the attorneys, certified paralegals, and administrative staff in our law firm. That’s why our Las Vegas divorce law clients recommend us to their friends and family.

Client’s Bill of Rights

Your Right to Be Heard

This begins with an enhanced consultation with a Board Certified Las Vegas divorce attorney. You will have every opportunity to fully explain your individual circumstances and case goals. Nothing is more important in our client relationships than communication. We answer all client phone calls immediately or return them in less than 24 hours. We also provide each client with their attorneys’ cell phone number, which is available 24/7, including holidays.

Your Right to Divorce Privacy

We can immediately petition the family court judge to seal your divorce records if you wish. If granted, this will shield your private information from public access.

Your Right to a Written Retainer Agreement

You have the right to understand our legal fees and case costs before you enter into an agreement for legal representation. Each divorce client approves a written retainer agreement before their case begins.

Your Right to Itemized Billings

You have the right to timely billing statements itemized by date, description of event, specific amount of time, and the charges for our legal services.

Your Right to Know the Status of Your Divorce Case

We inform you of all pertinent case events and dates, and give you copies of letters, memorandum, and materials, as you deem appropriate.

Your Right to Convenient Meetings

We strive to arrange meetings and conferences at the best possible time for you. Due to the schedules of the other parties involved, this is not always possible, but it is always our goal. For your safety, and for the safety of our attorneys and staff, we are providing video conferences during the Caronavirus Pandemic.

Your Right to Courtesy

We appreciate the faith and confidence you have placed in our law firm. Therefore, our Las Vegas divorce attorneys and support staff will always deliver the rights and courtesy you deserve.

Your Right to Efficient Legal Services

You deserve the most efficient level of legal representation possible. We cannot control how fast courts, outside entities, or our opponents process matters. But for our part, delay is unacceptable.

Your Right of Confidentiality in Divorce

Anything that you speak to us about is in the strictest confidence, unless you direct us to make a disclosure. This right continues after your divorce case concludes.

Our Las Vegas divorce attorneys provide phone consultations as a courtesy at no charge. Call 702-222-4021 to speak with one of our expert divorce attorneys in Las Vegas.