Las Vegas Divorce Law Blog
Can I Date During a Divorce?

Divorce is an opportunity to kick-start the next phase of your life. You get to decide who you want to be after your divorce. That could mean finding new hobbies, moving to a new location, getting a new job, or starting a new relationship. While you are not legally prohibited from dating while the divorce… Continue Reading
International Child Custody Disputes

Child custody disputes are often emotionally-charged and complex. When one or both parents maintain a residence outside the United States or are considering relocating to a foreign jurisdiction, many additional complications are likely to arise. Below, our seasoned Las Vegas child custody attorneys address some of the issues to consider in international child custody disputes…. Continue Reading
Community Property in Las Vegas Divorces

Every divorce involves the distribution of marital property in some form. Different states have different rules about what constitutes marital property. Complicating the divorce process are issues such as separate property before marriage and prenuptial and post nuptial agreements. These are some of the different factors family courts will use in evaluating who gets what… Continue Reading
International Divorce Matters

Divorce can be a complex, lengthy, and a difficult process when both spouses live in the same place. But when one spouse lives outside the United States, the challenges can be even greater. Divorcing spouses and their divorce lawyers will need to take into account questions concerning residency, international child custody, foreign assets, and other… Continue Reading
Where is Jurisdiction for Divorcing Spouses Living in Different States?

It is surprisingly common for people to ask whether they can file for divorce in Nevada if they or their spouse lives in another state. Does Nevada have jurisdiction to hear the divorce? Where is the best place to file? What procedures need to be followed? Read on for an explanation of divorce jurisdiction and… Continue Reading
Divorced Parents and Their Children’s Religious Upbringing

Decisions about raising children can be difficult even in the best of times, and different views on religion, especially so. When parents are divorced, finding a compromise position about how to raise the children can be more so. If divorced parents fundamentally disagree about the religious upbringing of their children, who gets to decide what… Continue Reading
Estate Planning in a Las Vegas Divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy. In addition to the emotional side of things, there are many financial considerations and changes that need to be made. Beyond resolving issues like property division, alimony, and child custody, the divorce process requires you to make adjustments large and small across many aspects of your life to… Continue Reading
9 Critical Questions to Ask Your Divorce Lawyer

Finding the best legal representation for your divorce can feel overwhelming. There are hundreds of options, and it may seem difficult to evaluate whether a lawyer is qualified and a good fit for your unique circumstances. When you are looking to retain an attorney, take consultations with a few candidates and make sure their skill-set,… Continue Reading
What if Your Spouse is Hiding Assets?

All divorce matters require the division of assets and debts. Both spouses are required to be completely forthcoming concerning their finances. The assets generally fall into two categories: community property or separate. A third possible category is when the assets are partially commingled which means that marital assets were used in support of a “separate… Continue Reading
Can My Divorce Be Kept Private?

If it’s not specifically requested and handled properly, divorce proceedings can be the ultimate form of “airing your dirty laundry” in public. The fact that your marital relationship is ending isn’t the only issue that becomes public. Details of your private life make their way into public court filings and hearings insofar as they relate… Continue Reading
Can I Date During a Divorce?
International Child Custody Disputes
Community Property in Las Vegas Divorces
International Divorce Matters
Where is Jurisdiction for Divorcing Spouses Living in Different States?
Divorced Parents and Their Children’s Religious Upbringing
Estate Planning in a Las Vegas Divorce
9 Critical Questions to Ask Your Divorce Lawyer
What if Your Spouse is Hiding Assets?
Can My Divorce Be Kept Private?