"Divorce Attorney" Category

What Are Hidden Assets in Divorce?

Divorcing spouses in Nevada have to disclose their financial condition to the court. This includes a full listing of all their assets. This procedure is meant to ensure that all marital assets are disclosed and therefore subject to division during their divorce case. However, there are instances where spouses try to hide assets through unfair… Continue Reading

What is Important for Your Health During a Divorce?

Divorce is a difficult process and effects parents and children alike. Understandably, many parents focus on their children during this time. Therefore, they often forget about their own health during divorce. This is not the best route to take because the stress level in those going through a divorce tends to run high. It is… Continue Reading

What is Parental Alienation in a Las Vegas Divorce?

Children of divorcing parents are affected by the divorce process. The ages of the children, and the more involved the children are in their parents disagreements, the more they feel the effects. What makes it even harder on children is parental alienation in a Las Vegas divorce. In a general sense, parental alienation is when… Continue Reading

What is Temporary Spousal Support?

Nevada law provides for several different types of spousal support. Depending on a number of factors, if one spouse in a divorce proceeding has a higher income than the other, a court may award temporary spousal support during the length of the proceedings. This temporary support is designed to help the lower-income spouse pay for… Continue Reading

Where is Jurisdiction for Divorcing Spouses Living in Different States?

It is surprisingly common for people to ask whether they can file for divorce in Nevada if they or their spouse lives in another state. Does Nevada have jurisdiction to hear the divorce? Where is the best place to file? What procedures need to be followed? Read on for an explanation of divorce jurisdiction and… Continue Reading

Who Moves Out During a Las Vegas Divorce?

One of the most contested issues in many divorces involves the distribution of real property, particularly the family home. Do you sell the house and split the proceeds? Does one spouse buy out the other? What if both spouses want to keep the house? Who should move out of the house while the Las Vegas… Continue Reading